Top 10 Voir Dire Questions to Detect and Dismiss Nuclear Jurors
Author: Ed Leonard
When it comes time to pick a jury, it is critical to find jurors who are open-minded towards the corporate defendant and may be less likely to award a Nuclear Verdict®. While any juror can go nuclear if the defense fails to defuse juror anger, there is no doubt some jurors are more prone to...
Fighting a Nuclear War in The Trucking Industry
Author: Ed Leonard
Nuclear Verdicts® continue to climb in severity and frequency, increasing by 27.5% over 10 years. In the trucking industry, the average value of a verdict above $1 million has increased from $2.3 million to $22.3 million between 2010 to 2018. Many businesses and defense attorneys have been left wond
Two Strategies Defense Attorneys Should Implement Today to Avoid Nuclear Verdicts®
Author: Ed Leonard
Plaintiffs’ lawyers are driving skyrocketing damages awards in courts all across the country. Such Nuclear Verdicts® – jury awards in excess of $10 million or that are disproportionate and irrational given the facts of a case...